Start Alberta is the most comprehensive database on startups and funding in the province.

Operated by A100 and powered by Dealroom, Start Alberta provides real-time data for founders, investors, corporates and government stakeholders, cataloguing the regional tech ecosystem. 

Initiated by A100, AEC and the Venture Capital Association of Alberta (VCAA) and in collaboration with a wide group of community partners, Start Alberta provides insights on the health of the regional innovation economy while showcasing the Alberta startup ecosystem to the world.

Founding Partners

Our Mission

To be the source of facts on the region’s innovation and tech ecosystem that equips investors, entrepreneurs, and policymakers with the insights needed to make their next, big move.

Our Purpose

To provide data on the tech industry that informs entrepreneurs, investors, and policymaker decisions.

Our Values


Start Alberta uses objective and independent data to form integrity-driven insights on the innovation ecosystem.


Start Alberta embraces frequent change to thrive in an industry that rewards demonstrated momentum, not theory.


Act boldly as a provocateur of the status quo to uncover new truths for investors, entrepreneurs, and policy-makers.


Pursue actions that increase the region’s global competitiveness.


Charter Sponsors

Friends of Start Alberta